Thematic Capital Investments

Thematic Capital builds on KIRKBI’s existing portfolio of renewable energy investments. The formation of Thematic Capital is driven by the owner family’s commitment to contribute to a sustainable development in the world.

In order to maximise impact while ensuring long-term return on investment, KIRKBI focus on building capabilities and portfolios around four defined themes: Energy Transition, Circular Plastics, Land Sustainability and Building Billund.

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Energy Transition

Energy Transition KIRKBI has an ambition to drive impact within decarbonisation by investing in mature renewable technologies such as solar and wind – complemented by investments in emerging renewable technologies, notably within energy storage and power-to-x.

Over the coming years, KIRKBI intends to expand its Energy Transition portfolio by investing in growth-focused platforms, bolstering off-take and end-use adoption of renewables.

Simultaneously, KIRKBI will fund technology and capacity builders within the emerging technologies space – to enable a higher penetration of renewable energy and support decarbonisation of hard-to-abate industries.

Current investments include, as examples, full ownership of Adapture Renewables Inc., minority investments in Highview Power Limited and Monolith, as well as commitments to funds such as Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), Decarbonization Partners Fund I, and AP Ventures clean hydrogen-focused Fund III.

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Circular Plastics

Globally, plastic waste is a significant problem for multiple reasons. Waste management practices of plastics are not broadly in place leading to increasing amounts of unhandled plastics, harmful to the environment and climate. Largely this is a result of a majority of plastic types being difficult or impossible to decompose or reuse.

The lack of circularity of plastics is an important area to address globally, and KIRKBI sees a potential to contribute through investments with high impact by targeting – but not limited to – the development of new plastic types and recycling methods.

Current investments in Circular Plastics include a minority investment in the German plastic recycling company, APK AG. APK AG is operating a worldwide unique pilot plant, aiming for industrialization of their recycling technology. 

Also, KIRKBI has invested in Ambercycle - a materials science company building circularity in the fashion industry to reduce plastic waste from textiles.

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Land Sustainability

Continued world population growth and increased demand for food and materials are increasing the risk of further deforestation, depletion of ecosystems, and increased carbon emissions.

KIRKBI wishes to invest in carbon positive production alternatives, initially by establishing new production forests in combination with areas to increase biodiversity.

Production forestry allows for continued carbon sequestration and storage. By using the wood, e.g. in building materials and furniture, the sequestered CO2 will be stored long-term and replace more CO2 heavy alternatives.

KIRKBI continues building capabilities within this new area under Thematic Capital and the first trees are planted in 2023. 

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Building Billund

Building Billund is one of the theme-based investment areas inspired by the owner family’s wish to make a positive difference in the LEGO Group’s hometown, Billund. KIRKBI has been actively engaged in supporting the development of the town through generations.

Together with local partners, KIRKBI is involved in realising Billund’s City Vision that sets the framework for urban and cultural planning to support and strengthen Billund’s unique character as the Capital of Children, where children of all ages learn through play and are creative citizens of the world.

KIRKBI’s primary contributions have been several real estate projects in Billund – from new inspiring workplaces to a new downtown area.